


Education, School, Society


This article explores Bourdieu's contributions to the Sociology of Education, aiming to understand the reproduction of social inequalities in the educational context. Through a literature review, we highlight the interrelation of some concepts developed by this thinker and education. The goal is to provide insights for understanding contemporary educational structures. For the development of this study, we adopted literature review as a method, offering a more comprehensive view of Bourdieu's ideas on educational practices and social reproduction. The concepts discussed serve as essential tools to unveil the social dynamics present in education, fostering a critical reflection on contemporary educational structures. This investigation contributes to a deeper understanding of the relationships between education and society, being relevant for researchers, educators, and educational policymakers.


Author Biography

Keilla Tavares de Aquino, Colégio Estadual Deputado José Porfírio, Trombas - Goiás

Mestre em Educação pela Faculdade de Inhumas (FACMAIS). Professora do Colégio Estadual Deputado José Porfírio, Trombas – Goiás.


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How to Cite

Aquino, K. T. de. (2024). CONTRIBUTIONS OF BOURDIEU TO THE SOCIOLOGY OF EDUCATION. Revista Educação Em Contexto, 3(1), 91–103.


